Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry at Mount vista Dental in Vancouver WA, All-On-4 Dental Implants

Teeth Whitening

As the name implies, teeth whitening in cosmetic dentistry is the act of whitening teeth and therefore making them more attractive. Teeth whitening is used to whiten stained, discolored, or dull teeth to improve your smile. Whitening is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve your smile and is relatively painless.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is ideal for immediate results or who have active lifestyles without time for multiple treatments. The procedure usually takes about an hour. In-office teeth whitening starts with applying a protective gel to the gums and surrounding soft tissue for protection from light. A different gel that activates under light is applied to the teeth surfaces. Finally, an intense light is used to enhance the whitening gel’s effectiveness.

At Home Teeth Whitening

At-home trays are generally less expensive than in-office treatments and require making a mold of the teeth to create trays. After a few days, the trays will be ready for pick-up along with instructions on proper use. The trays are taken home and then filled with a bleaching gel. These can be worn for up to one hour at a time, up to twice a day. Bleach trays allow for gradual whitening of the teeth over several days or weeks, ending in a fabulous result. Although, bleaching may cause tooth sensitivity; if this occurs inform your dentist.

How Does Cosmetic Dentistry Help?

Cosmetic dentistry can help you in many ways. While the name states that it is strictly for cosmetic purposes, this isn’t always the case. Most people choose cosmetic dentistry just to look better, some techniques are important for a healthy mouth. Cosmetic dentistry helps you feel confident about smiling, no matter the reason you want the procedure.

What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Do?

Cosmetic dentistry can be used for subtle changes or major repairs. Cosmetic Dentistry is usually performed because of discoloration, chipped teeth, misshapen or missing teeth, or to repair gaps. The most common cosmetic dentistry procedures are bleaching, bonding, reshaping, and contouring. Sometimes dental crowns and veneers can also be considered cosmetic services. People that smoke or drink coffee may want to regularly get their teeth whitened to eliminate stains caused by their lifestyle choices. Even some people that take medication that discolors teeth may benefit from this procedure.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

There are both social and health benefits to cosmetic dental procedures. They are sometimes used to fix oral problems, not just to look great. The social benefits of cosmetic dentistry include having whiter or more perfect teeth, which can boost your self-esteem. It can even boost your social life due to its ability to make your smile whiter and brighter. Additionally, many people get veneers to have straight teeth, but the health benefits can be combined with the social advantages. Not only do your teeth look better, but cosmetic dentistry can help correct a crooked bite which can reduce oral pain and even improve digestion. In some cases, straightening teeth with cosmetic dental procedures can balance your bite, which means less uneven wear and tear, reducing the pain in your mouth, and even in your head or neck. Uneven wear and tear can cause nighttime teeth grinding.

Get a Better Smile

Whether you are just tired of suffering tooth pain or dental related-headaches, or you seriously just want a brighter smile, cosmetic dentistry may be the answer to all of your problems. The cost varies, depending on the severity of your oral issues and what you are looking to accomplish. While a simple teeth whitening procedure may be affordable and easily done, something more major, like getting a full set of veneers, can be more costly, but many insurance companies are now covering more cosmetic dental procedures because of their likelihood to prevent more serious issues down the road.

Your teeth are important to you, and they are important to us. If you are ready to have a whiter or straighter, more even smile, it may be time for you to schedule a consultation. Give us a call and we can look at your pearly whites and figure out the best procedure(s) to help you achieve the smile you want.